Effect of thiazide diuretics and losartan on serum uric acid in essential hypertension Dolantin versus Compound Diclofenac Sodium and Lidocaine Hydrochloride ( CDL) in the treatment of acute ureteral colic 噻嗪类利尿剂及氯沙坦对原发性高血压的血清尿酸水平的影响双氯芬酸盐酸利多卡因和杜冷丁治疗肾输尿管绞痛的疗效对比
Curative Effects Observation of Naftopidil on the Number and Intensity of Ureteral Colic in Patients with Lower Ureteral Calculus 萘哌地尔治疗输尿管下段结石的疗效观察
ObjectiveTo observe the double-J cannula the handling of indwelling ureteral calculi during pregnancy with refractory renal colic caused by the safety and efficacy. 目的观察留置D-J管处理妊娠期输尿管结石致顽固性肾绞痛的安全性和疗效。
A Comparative Study on Emergency IVU and Conventional IVU for the Diagnosis of Acute Ureteral Colic 急诊和普通IVU对急性输尿管绞痛诊断的对比研究
Among both groups, the control group had more ureteral colic episodes than did the trial group while passing their stone, this difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.01). 对照组输尿管绞痛的发生频率和程度明显高于实验组(P<0.01)。
Emergency treatment of ureteral stone with colic by ESWL 急诊ESWL治疗输尿管结石疗效观察
Emergency ESWL in the treatment of ureteral stone with acute colic ESWL急诊治疗输尿管结石绞痛发作
Nursing Care for the Pregnant Women with Ureteral Stone Complicated with Refractory Renal Colic Treated by Indwelling Double-J Internal Drainage Tube 双J管内引流用于妊娠期输尿管结石致顽固性肾绞痛患者的护理
18 Cases of Ureteral Calculus Colic Treated with Multifunctional Electric Therapeutic Instrument 电脑多功能电疗仪治疗输尿管结石绞痛18例疗效观察
Background: Ureteral calculus is one of the common diseases in the urologic disease. It is easy to block the ureter and cause renal colic and other clinical symptoms. Clinically, calculi often blocked in the three anatomical ureteral stricture segment. 背景输尿管结石是临床上的常见疾病,它可阻塞输尿管并引起肾绞痛等临床症状,常常阻塞在输尿管的三个解剖性狭窄段。